The Central Govt of India has threatened to take steps to censor the 'objectionable' online contents shared via google or facebook or sites like that. But they did not define the term 'objectionable'. It may turn out to be any content which some person in the Govt or some leader finding not according to their consent and hence declared as objectionable! It could be any writing criticizing the Govt policy, and they proceed to block it cause it was objectionable. In India we talk about freedom of speech, then what is the reason for such censorship? Are they going to make India a second China?
For people like us the online world carries a highly significant role in expressing our views on different issues and sharing the same. Here we can express our feelings, our thoughts, to the fullest extent which may not be possible in real life due to several reasons which vary from person to person. For so many people the online world has created a separate space which they can monitor and live according to their own will hiding from the ever fault-catching eye of the so-called society.
The main reason for the Govt in taking the steps is the abuse of their leaders through nasty pictures or other media. And the other is use of abusive languages towards a certain religion. But this also be taken into account that not all people are sharing or encouraging such mindless and very badly humoured jokes. General people do not appreciate such low-class activities. It's only a fraction of internet users who get some fun out of those abusiveness. They are the rotten part of the online society which is needed to take care of. By monitoring the tracking facilities it is always possible to locate the origin of such abusive contents and the creator could be prosecuted in a court of law. But that could not lead to taking steps against social networks by some unjust means. People of that kind would always found some other form of medium to spread their contents. So mere blocking or censoring would not prevent them.
In this ever increasing stressful world the social networks provide us some place to breathe . Please do not take any step that could take our free world away. And to the social networks, please do not fall back from your firm stand. Do not let the state snatch our right to freedom of speech.
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